
30 Modern Bebop Licks (PDF Download)

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $20.00.

30 exercises are designed to help you quickly master Bebop improvisation.

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30 Modern Bebop Licks is a compilation of 3o exercises designed to help you incorporate the Bebop jazz language into your playing.  Each of the 30 exercises found in the 30 Modern Bebop Licks book, consists of Bebop melodic lines played in the right hand with chords simultaneously played in the left hand.  These modern exercises will enhance your technique and introduce you to new sounds, broadening your melodic, harmonic and rhythmic vocabulary.

Purchasers of this PDF Download also receive a link to access a video demonstration of Dr. Alton playing each of the 30 exercises found in the book “30 Modern Bebop Licks: Exercises to Help You Master Bebop Improvisation.” The video demonstration is for musicians that play by ear and don’t read music.

*Disclaimer: You agree that you are solely responsible for your own musical advancement.  The creator, producer, distributor, and all associated in the creation and distribution of thisPDF download are in no way responsible for any lack of musical progress.  The said outcomes of this course detailed above are the result of the student learning and mastering the content found in the book.